Sunday, December 19, 2004

of people and canines

some people are like dogs..they can just see the fear in your eyes..and when they do..they attack! i'm speaking of two experiences is my unforgettable audition at my college's drama club [the thought of my pathetic, lame acting almost brings me to tears] and the second one [or should i say ones] is my brief encounter with the most feared creatures on the face of this earth: the dreaded ASKALS.'s quite surprising that the lowly mutt has so much in common with the almighty homo sapiens. the most noticeable of these many common characteristics being the fact that they can sense the fear in their prey [that would be me during both incidents].

to be continued..coz i still have tons of homework to do..and they call this a vacation!!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

december 16, i am in front of pgh, with feathers in my hair [literally]..why? why, it's the lantern parade, silly! we won best cheer and we tied at third with med for best lantern..not bad! Posted by Hello

Thursday, December 02, 2004

having no one

Even though my unsuccessful bid to become a member of a drama club in my college forced me to make the conclusion that I cannot perform to save my life, I’ve recently been trying to prove them myself. The thing is..i haven’t succeeded in that either. No matter how hard I try [ok. Maybe I didn’t try that hard] to cry, I just couldn’t. A few times, my eyes welled up enough for a tear to actually fall and cascade down my cheek. During those moments, I kept thinking of myself, of how sad I felt and why I felt that way [but that’s another story]. I “motivated” myself by thinking of the times I felt I wasn’t treated justly. But whenever I thought of something terrible happening to others, say, family members, my tears would just be short of falling from my tear sacs. My eyes would look teary and sad, but the tears would never actually fall. You’d just mistake me for someone who ate a really spicy dish.

Now, you can look at it two ways. Either I just can’t act, can’t put myself in other people’s shoes [sigh], or maybe there’s something much deeper. Answer this question for me, will you? “When you imagine something terrible happening to someone you love, don’t you actually weep a bit?” The thing is..i don’t. And it’s probably not from a lack of trying. I don’t know if this is because no one dear to me has ever died..the closest was my godparent who died from breast cancer..but I was so used to people calling on us to report of another relative succumbing to some type of cancer that it just wasn’t heart-wrenching. Add to that the fact that I always keep my darker, more troubled side to myself. I just didn’t have anyone. When I see others crying because something frightful happened to a close friend or something, that’s when I cry. I cry when I see them crying. Though I am truly mourning with them for their loss, the reason the tears fall is because I’m both jealous and afraid. I’m jealous because they had someone to love, someone they’ll miss, someone they’ll have to adjust to living without. I don’t have that..or maybe I just don’t realize that I do. Still, I’m afraid that when my time comes, no one who’s there will be crying for their loss, that they’ll just be crying for my death, period [it’s selfish but that’s how I feel]. The only time I actually cried for my loss was when I watched “The Passion of The Christ” and all those other Jesus movies. He’s the only one I actually tell everything to, even if he already knows what I’m about to say. But that’s way different..

I don’t know, but I’m hoping there’s a third reason. But if I had to choose one for my lack of overwhelming tears, I’d rather accept the fact that I can’t act, even though that’s pretty sad too. The day I cry when thinking of something horrendous happening to someone I know will be the happiest day of my life, knowing that that means I can truly feel for someone.
Yes..i do have a troubled side. Sometimes I feel it is too dark yet too petty at the same time, which is why I feel I can’t share it with anyone. People think I’m one thing, but I’m also another thing. I was telling the truth when I said that I was like a modern-day Jekyll and Hyde.